A team of stitchers joined us this January for a Greenhouse sew-in to create 200 handprinted and dyed silk scarves for Wrap Your Head Around It, a community art project creating wearable textiles from silks printed with the poems from cancer patients and survivors. Back in October, Wrap Your Head Around It successfully raised over $15,000 in their Kickstarter campaign, and with the help of videographer Brandon Yow, they recently debuted a short film revealing how they linked text with textiles through community action with and for the cancer community. In the film, you’ll see how students and volunteer groups from Elon University, Meredith College, and NC A&T University helped along the way to transform this effort into a reality.

Wrap Your Head Around It from theydigitallycreated.us on Vimeo.

The film screening took place at a salon for Wrap Your Head Around It at the FRANK Gallery in Chapel Hill last week. Project leader Peg Gignoux created a rainbow of selected scarves to display, and participants in workshops admired their work and connected with locals new to the project.

Admiring the Wrap ExhibitAdmiring the beautiful scarves created for Wrap Your Head Around It.

Doris Ann and friend admire scarvesDoris Ann and friend admire a rainbow of scarves on display at the FRANK Gallery.

A rainbow of scarves!A closeup of the beautiful silks.

We are so honored to have met Peg and her incredible network of activists, artists, organizers and survivors through this project. Check out the incredible Wrap Your Head Around It documentary, and please do pass it along. We hope that projects like this will continue to flourish, bringing beauty and expression to a difficult journey.